Triple the bus service
Under this new plan, the bus system will provide residents more service, with less wait time between buses and longer hours of service, plus more direct routes than today's bus system. Residents will have more access to jobs, healthcare, education and shopping.

More Service

  • Average wait times between buses of 10-20 minutes; compared to the current 30-60 minutes
  • More direct service and fewer downtown transfers, with 10 additional cross-town routes outside of downtown Indianapolis
  • Buses running until midnight on weekdays and 10 p.m. on weekends
  • Seven-day-a-week service on all routes, except express routes
  • 38 additional bus routes

More destinations

  • 15 express bus routes with direct service
    • 7 of those routes connect downtown Indianapolis and the suburbs
    • 8 of those routes connect to destinations inside Marion County
  • 14 community-based circulators for local travel or between nearby communities

More conveniences

  • Real-time route information via text messaging and/or displays at bus shelters so you know when the next bus will arrive
  • Additional bus shelters, benches and bike racks
  • Greater access to bus stops with more sidewalks
  • Modern ticketing and fare collection for transfers

Bus Trip Travel Comparisons

Nora to St. Vincent
Start- Nora (86th & College)
End- St. Vincent Hospital (86th & Harcourt)
Current trip- Two bus routes with one transfer
1 hour and 32 minutes
Future Trip- One bus with no transfers
17 minutes

56th Street & Georgetown Road to Glendale Mall
Start- 56th & Georgetown
End- Glendale Mall (62nd & Rural)
Current trip- Two buses with one transfer
1 hr 30 min
Future Trip- One bus with no transfers
38 min
Time savings- 52 min

Arrive for work at Community Hospital East (8 a.m.)
Start- Beech Grove (Emerson and Main)
End- Community Hospital East (16th & Ritter)
Current trip- Two buses with one transfer
1 hour and 17 minutes
Future Trip- One bus with no transfers
29 minutes
Time savings- 48 minutes

Arrive for a 6 p.m. weekday class at Martin University
Start- Emerson & Raymond (north Beech Grove)
End- 22nd and Avondale
Current trip- Two buses with one transfer
62 minutes
Future Trip- Two buses with one transfer
42 minutes
Time savings- 20 minutes